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20 December 2010

Dyker Lights, 2010

dyker lights brooklyn
We made the annual trip down the road to Dyker Lights last night, which, if you don't know, is what they call it when a bunch of houses in Dyker Heights (in Brooklyn, between 83rd and 86th streets and 13th and 11th Avenues) pay decoration companies to make their houses look like Christmas in Disney Land. I'm being snarky, but it's truly awesome, and we go every year. I love this shit.

This year I decided to take some pictures, because although you see tons of people there with cameras, good pictures of the magic are hard to come by online. I regret to say they still will be, because I'm a terrible photographer. Still, here's what I've got:
dyker lights brooklyn
This house is actually on 14th Avenue and about 10 blocks north of the action, but I thought it was cool anyway.
dyker lights brooklyn
I'm a terrible photographer because there's a huge Santa (more than 20 feet tall if he's an inch) and I failed to get him in the shot.
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
This is a topiary of a dancing bear; there are about five of them in this yard. I kept trying to get a good shot of them, and mostly failed.
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
The best shot of the dancing bears.
dyker lights brooklyn

dyker lights brooklyn
This Santa was moving. I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be waving, but it sorta looked like he was spanking this kid.
dyker lights brooklyn
dyker lights brooklyn
This bear (whose skin was falling off in places) was my favorite part of the whole thing.

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