Was in Rhode Island this weekend for a wedding (congrats Maribeth and Tom!) and finally checked something off my to-do list that's been lingering for a pretty long time. I walked
The Cliff Walk in Newport all the way. I'd done parts of it before, but yesterday I did the whole thing.
So the whole thing is like 3.5 miles, but then you have to walk
back. That's right this lazy sack of bones made it 7 miles yesterday, which is probably more than I walked in the entire month of May (
maybe kidding). Here are some pictures I took that are not artistic at all:

Other people have taken nicer pictures and posted them
on flickr.
Here's something else that just occurred to me today: the New York Post, that bastion of journalistic integrity and pithy headline commentary, has been making awesome puns and wordplay in giant white block-type forever. Lolcats are awesome and all, I'm just saying that if one is to give credit where credit is due, some credit might be due to the NY Post.